Site Seeing
Here are some tips for navigating these pages. Just click one of the links above the title to get back to the pictures. Or click here to return to the first page of the site.
Moving between pages:      Use the links at the top of the page or the arrows at the bottom
Seeing the pictures:            Click on a thumbnail and a large image will be displayed with a
                                            set of thumbnails above it.
                                            Clicking on that large image will advance to the next image. 
Get a slideshow:                 Click the link (Play Slideshow) above the thumbnails and a slide-
                                            show will start in a new window.
                                            To pause or advance the slideshow, move your mouse and a con-
                                            trol panel will appear. To end the slideshow, close the window.Welcome.htmlshapeimage_3_link_0